© 2023

This article will help you get started with a voice telephone number plus optional facsimile number using call forwarding.


Over the past 15 years I have used a number of online VoIP services such as VoiceNetwork (Canada), DiDWW, Twilio, Plivo, and currently Signalwire.

Signalwire is the least cost solution that I have discovered, currently with North American Voice numbers (DiDs) costing US$0.50/month and Toll-Free numbers (DiDs) costing US$0.80/month, not including taxes. This is the cost for the telephone numbers with actual usage being an additional per-minute cost as pay-as-you-go.

SignalWire Voice Pricing

The simplest setup is to purchase a number to be used as your business line and forward that number to a number that you already have such as your cellphone.

Call Forwarding

The essential part of their instructions is the creation of a LaML bin with the following few lines of code:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
   <Say>Connecting you to George Skokos</Say>

   <Dial callerId=”{{From}}”>123-456-7891</Dial>

If you find these instructions confusing, Signalwire has another page with instructions for performing this same task:

Forwarding Calls


Signalwire documents the configuration of receiving a fax in a simple and straightforward manner, follow the instructions from the top of the page to just above the headline:

Using Compatibility SDKs

Here is the page with instructions to setup receiving a facsimile:

Receiving a Facsimile

The essential part of their instructions is the creation of a LaML bin with the following few lines of code:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
   <Receive action=”/fax/received”/>


In two easy steps you your SOHO now has a business voice number as well as a business facsimile number for a very low cost!

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